Detail & Paint Services
Sale Ready Package
Designed for those selling a vehicle. Addresses concerns that can be an issue during sale. Package includes:
Touch up of major blemishes such as door sings and rock chips
Exterior Enhancements
Interior cleaning
Interior blemish touch up
Bronze Package
The Bronze package includes wash, decontaminate surfaces, clay bar, wax, wheels, tires, jambs and glass. Ceramic, polymer and carnauba waxes are available.
Silver Package
The Silver package includes the Bronze package services and adds interior vacuum, vinyl and leather cleaning and conditioning.​ ScotchGuard (which is recommended for cloth or velour seats) is available at an additional cost.
Gold Package
The Gold package includes the Silver package services as well as a wet sand and buffing of minor scratches and touch up of larger scratches and rock chips. It also includes undercarriage and engine cleaning.
à la carte Services
Paint Touch-Up
Dent Removal
Paint and Body Shop Services
Maintenance Quick Wash
Quick Vacuum
Interior cleaning
This includes vacuum, clean and condition vinyl, plastic and leather as well as glass. Scotch guard is available for at an additional cost.
Interior shampoo, extraction and stain removal
Service estimates are free. Costs vary by vehicle, based on size and condition.